Elm Wood Primary School

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Elm Wood Pupil Voice 

Our Mission Statement is as follows:

Elm Wood Pupil Voice will:

  1. Give ideas for events to raise money for charities and school.
  2. Give pupils a voice about how to make school a better place.
  3. Work alongside the Head Teacher, pupils, staff and PFTA.
  4. Make our pupils feel comfortable, safe and happy at school.
  5. Communicate with staff and pupils to create ideas.

The Pupil Voice representatives were elected at the beginning of September, democratically, by their classes.

They meet on a regular basis to discuss issues directly affecting them. So far the following have been discussed: 

  1. The playtime and lunchtime provision available for them to access.


Class Representatives:


Amber - Rene

Carnelian - Maya

Emerald - Abel

Jade - Poppy

Amethyst - Erin B

Ruby - Nevaeh

Sapphire - Erin L

Topaz - Skye

Onyx - Emmy

Obsidian - Zac