Elm Wood Primary School

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Sports Premium

We are extremely committed to participation in sport and encouraging all children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Some of the things we do to encourage this are:

Mr Cairns leads PE 

We have a wide range of extra curricular clubs on offer that encourage children to participate in an active lifestyle

We are members of the Rochdale Borough School Games Partnership

We have achieved the Gold Kite mark in 2023/2024 for PE and Sport

We take part in the Middleton Sports Partnership

Ed Start deliver extra curricular clubs aimed at targeted children

We have a wide range of sports and activities on offer for our children with additional needs. 


 As a school we are extremely proactive in trying to raise the quality and opportunity for all children. Physical education is celebrated throughout the school.

The new Government funding has allowed the school to work towards creating healthier lifestyles and increased participation for all. 

Please click below to view the latest sports premium grant reports:



Click HERE for the sports premium report 2023/2024