Elm Wood Primary School

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Here is our curriculum intent for Writing:

At Elm Wood Primary School, we teach the two dimensions of writing: composition and transcription. Children form, articulate and communicate their ideas and organise them coherently for a reader whilst developing an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, enabling them to become confident communicators. Children develop a fluent, legible style and are able to spell quickly and accurately through learning the relationship between sounds and letters allowing them to share their experiences and emotions effectively with others. 

We aim for all children to:

  • Gain a lifelong enjoyment of writing and narrative
  • Write accurately with a clear voice, tone and purpose
  • Be able to write variety of different texts - understanding the register needed
  • Develop a deeper understanding of story language and vocabulary
  • Enable them to explore new environments, cultures and people beyond their own experience.

Make the transition to secondary school with a love and stamina for writing that ensures a continued writing journey

Click HERE for our writing Tweets

Here is the overview for Writing at Elm Wood

Click HERE for our writing strategy

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Click below for the progression and skills maps for Writing



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