Elm Wood Primary School

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Our curriculum intent for PSHE

At Elm Wood Primary School we believe the personal, social, health and economic development of children should run like a vein throughout our whole school and curriculum. The knowledge and skills the children learn within this subject can be applied to all aspects of life and therefore PSHE as a subject is highly valued. PSHE at Elm Wood supports the children to become ambitious, creative individuals with a desire to ‘know more’. Knowledge and skills learnt within PSHE provides the children with a range of strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe both physically and virtually and helps to prepare them for life in modern Britain. Our PSHE curriculum also teaches our children about diversity and the importance for tolerance and respect for others.

Here is the overview for PSHE at Elm Wood

Click HERE for our PSHE Tweets

Click below for the progression and skills maps for PSHE

Me and My Relationships

Being My Best

Rights and Respect

Valuing Difference

Keeping Safe

Growing and Changing

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