Elm Wood Primary School

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Here is our Reading Curriculum Intent

At Elm Wood Primary school, we value reading as a key life skill and are committed to providing children with a literacy rich environment, high quality texts and inspiring learning opportunities.  For our children to unlock the whole of the academic curriculum, we believe it is essential that they become proficient readers.

Our aim is that children:

  • Gain a lifelong enjoyment of reading and books
  • Read accurately with fluency, expression and confidence
  • Be able to respond to a variety of different texts
  • Develop a deeper understanding of story language and vocabulary
  • Enable them to explore new environments, cultures and people beyond their own experience


We endeavour to that all our children enter secondary school and adulthood with a love and stamina that ensures they continue on a lifelong reading journey.


We are now using Accelerated Reader as our reading programme, once children move on from Little Wandle. As recommended by the Education Endowment fund, this programme enables our teachers to monitor whole class reading and ensures that children are reading age appropriate books that also match their interests. 


Click HERE for our Reading Tweets


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